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"Golden Compassion Gateway To Higher Dimensions"

This artwork is a combination of a yantra and a mantra.


A yantra is the yogic equivalent of the mandala. It literally means a 'machine' or a visual instrument that serves in meditation. It is a microcosm of the universe.

A mantra is a repetition of sacred chants or a group of words that have deeper meanings to invoke, to manifest a certain desire whether that is to calm the mind or connect to the source within.


Yantra is of the form or body, mantra is of the mind. 


This yantra has been created as a gateway, a portal for human ascension.


The elements in the artwork:


  • The 🕉 (AUM) in the middle represents the infinite Universe within each one of us.

  • The lotus represents the purity that we all are deep within.   

  • The lettering of the mantra 'Om Mani Padme Hum', has been carefully chosen for its meaning 'praise the jewel in the lotus', the jewel within, the Buddha within, The Source within, the ultimate compassion within. Practicing compassion is one of the quickest ways mankind can evolve from suffering. When greed is replaced by compassion, we are evolving to higher dimensions, from the lower heavier dimension to lighter higher dimension.    


This is the intention of this artwork, to take humanity through the portal, the gateway of compassion to higher dimensions.


This yantra can be used for meditation or to cleanse your home, attract pure energies especially if you place it in your entrance area or simply raise your vibration to compassion. When you raise your vibration, you are sending that out to the Universe, affecting the collective consciousness.


The original is an acrylic painting on canvas measuring 16"x16".

It took a total of 11 hours to complete his work. 




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