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"Melchizedek White Light"

A ball of white light from Melchizedek to purify our land and animals.


This artwork is a channeled message from Melchizedek. 


He appeared to me for the second time in my meditation. This time he had a ball of white light. I asked him what the white light was for. He replied, 'it's for the land and the animals'. He then sent this light out to our Earth for healing the soil, plants and animals. He went on to explain to me the structure of our planet. How animals and plants are direct contributors to the ecosystem of this planet. Humans are not, by design. It is for a reason. They are indirect contributors to this planet. Humans are designed to be caretakers of this planet. To take care of the land, the animals, the birds, the insects, the trees, the plants. So, if humans went extinct, the planet will survive. But, if plants and animals went extinct humans cannot survive.


Humans are service providers, by design. To provide their service as caretakers of the land. In exchange, we receive food, water, oxygen, shelter, medicine and all kinds of resources from the land. 


It is time for humans to understand their job profile and perform well.

This is an original acrylic artwork on a canvas measuring 41 x 51 cm.

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